Great news! I have just been accepted as an associate member of the United Society of Artists. These guys have a wonderful and very diverse membership and organise some excellent exhibitions. Take a look at my entry on their members page.
Great news! I have just been accepted as an associate member of the United Society of Artists. These guys have a wonderful and very diverse membership and organise some excellent exhibitions. Take a look at my entry on their members page.
Hi, I have a look to ur site. We met on the weekend at Stbux near Tate Modern.. Just wanna say thank you for one moment of my time and my colleague.. Is that work could be colour ?
Hi Noon
Nice to hear from you. I’ve been meaning to set up a page for sketches for a while now. You and your friend get to be part of the first entry. Hope you like it.
A lot of artists do add a colour wash to pen drawings but I don’t usually work like that so it will stay in black and white this time round.
All the best